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14th Annual Hearing Symposium Variation from Hearing to Language

Scientific and Clinical Program (CA and AAA CEU units available)


June 1st, 2019
8:00 am - 5:30 pm


Medical Education Building, UC Irvine


8:00am Registration
8:30am Welcome - CHR Director Fan-Gang Zeng
8:40am Laurie Eisenberg - "Spoken language development
after cochlear implantation: Results from the National CDaCI Study"
9:20am Mary Fagan - "Infant Agency in Creating Variability in the Input"
10:00am Coffee Break & Poster Viewing
11:00am Lisa Bedore - "An Ear for Grammar: How bilingual children's knowledge of grammar is influenced by input"
11:40am Stephanie de Anda - "Language input to young children: Measuring and manipulating variation"
12:20pm Lunch & Poster Viewing
2:00pm Antje Ihlefeld - "Leveraging an animal model to study hearing in nosey situations"
2:40pm John Middlebrooks - "The Cochlear Implant Plus One"
3:20pm Coffee Break & Poster Viewing
4:00pm Elizabeth Peña - "Rethinking the Bilingual Delay"
4:40pm Judith Kroll - Variation matters: Some consequences of linguistic diversity for language processing and learning"
5:20pm Closing Words

Sponsored by the UC Irvine Center for Hearing Research (CHR) and University of California Multicampus Research Programs and Initiatives (MRPI). Supported in part by the UCI Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and The Thomas and Misako Yuen Family Foundation. Use of the Herklotz Conference Center is generously provided by the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory

Highlights from the Event

Thank you for attending the 14th Annual CHR Hearing Symposium on Saturday June 1st. We greatly enjoyed the posters that were presented and we thank the distinguished speakers who traveled from near and far to share their research with us.

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